When Daniel
Connors was sacked by the Richmond Football Club yesterday, the
Australian Football League again displayed it's most brutal form of
professionalism. Connors is twenty-three and will likely nominate
for this season's National Draft. His chequered record makes it
unlikely he will be given another chance and after 28 games he will
be ejected to one of the AFL's myriad, bespoke scrapheaps – the
EFL, the NTFL or even country footy.

Martin was suspended for a little under
10% of the season. The frequency with which AFL clubs impose
sanctions like these on the young men in their care is startling:
times are long gone where a wayward genius can be banished to the
twos until he learns to see the coach's point of view. In fact,
significant suspensions and, now, sackings are a penance required
almost exclusively of Australian sportsmen – can you imagine an NBA
team suspending a starter for seven games for an infraction like
this? Or a European football club suspending a premier talent for
three games?
Such events do occur, but not with
nearly the same regularity as in the AFL, suggesting Australian
sporting discipline derives from our country's harsh origins. Other
conclusions are that either Australian football requires its young
players to act more professionally at a younger age than any other
team sport, or that Australian footy needs a severe culture upgrade.
All three may indeed apply.
Australian Football eats alive the
country's young. With the strictures in place in junior and suburban
footy, professionalism has become a new Leviticus not only to be
obeyed but enforced at all levels. Junior hopefuls sourced from the
bush often travel lengthy distances several times a week to training
and games; sacrifices are expected and made willingly by teens and
parents. Opportunities are rare and players are instructed to cling
to – and work for – those chances.
Professionalism isn't just the
watchword of the AFL but is now demanded of fourteen year olds.
Juniors all over Victoria have specialist kicking coaches, forward
coaches and defensive coaches; the system asks so much from players
so young that their bodies simply decompose at age 30. It's hardly a
coincidence that Osteitis
Pubis is practically nonexistent in the youth development systems
of the United States and England. The suggested cause of OP is the
overload of developing bodies.
If a player who's managed to make it to
the top level breaks strict codes of conduct, punishment is
relatively severe. As the game has become more sanitised on-field,
there has been a corresponding increase in the off-field corporate
culture. In business, when where mistakes are made there is often
only one penalty. Footy has bred the same expectation of mea
culpa and fall guy from teens
and men in their early twenties. While support structures have
certainly increased, so too has the responsibility borne by the elite
athletes of the iGeneration. While responsibility for one's own
actions is always beneficial, often that responsibility now takes the
form of public stoning.
If things don't
work out, clubs rarely hesitate to “go in another direction” and
second opportunities are rare. Only 23, Connors holds some scant
hope of being re-drafted. By age 25, however, little optimism
remains – he is patently a finished product, a known
quantity to be passed over for the mystery and romance of a “likely”
In almost every other major sports
league on the planet, players have second opportunities to prove
themselves. They can be signed as free agents, seconded to minor
league clubs or simply just invited to trial. Though this has
improved with the success of players like James Podsiadly, AFL simply
doesn't offer the same variegated routes back to the big time.
Rookie lists
were instituted precisely to offer a second chance for undrafted or
cut players – but even they only recently dispensed with age and
experience maximums. The result: in 2012, only ten players out of a
leaguewide 112 were exhumed and reanimated.
You can also draw a link between the
inherent culture and the obvious decrease in larrikinism and
personality our stars exhibit. Every
AFL player, knowing the scrutiny he is under, has to do everything by
the book. The landscape is as unforgiving as a set from sixties
Doctor Who. Honest answers are no longer important, just
rhetoric, process and structures. Players rarely exhibit personality
nor rare insight. Interesting interviews – at least for readers –
are rare. Individualism, only a Diesel Williams kick away from
selfishness, is now only displayed in a player's choices, hair colour
or tattoo sleeve.
Thank the heavens for Steve Johnson.
This flinty panorama took twenty years
to achieve, hurried by certain successful procedures that were soon
aped. Success has bred success. Has your team underperformed?
a clubwide review, led by your CEO. Got an ageing (25-27 year
old) team and a new coach? Blow it up and redefine your list and
gamestyle with late-teen talents. There are only three phases in the
AFL now, root-and-branch reform, growth and contention. Only the
Sydney Swans have the stomach to do it differently, re-tooling
The AFL is a far more successful entity
for the changes made over the past decade. However, the league has
become uniform and homogenous. The sanctions Richmond have ruled
upon their brethren aren't out of place for a league where results or
hope are the only things that matter, they are symptoms of a league
where everyone takes themselves just a little too seriously.
Watched the eagles play today after loosing three players from the sheep paddock in tasmainia last week. What does the AFL think it is doing playing teams in third world condition s one week then expecting world class results after adjudicating on practically unplayable grounds the next. A classic case of the Nazi AFL at work.No wonder Freo has no hope.